Vehicle Description
Vehicle Information:
Existing Chevrolet Heavy Duty 327 V8 Engine
It's a 4-Speed Manual Transmission Plus Reverse
There was no expense spared over during the Restoration.
Show Truck
Mirror Finish Ember Red Paint, Color Sanded, Show Waxed & Detailed
New Clear Coated Cherry Mahogany & Stainless steel Wood Bed tracks
Black color matte inside the engine compartment
All New Stainless Steel Finishes.
Existing Original black Bench Seat with red Interior & Trim
Full-Array of Instruments
There is a leather cover for the bed of the truck bed.
Installed new KOOKS headers exhaust to increase torque (sound great).
New front disk breaks and rear drum breaks are in place.
Beautifully Wooden Steering Wheel to match wooden bed but the Steering Column is red to match the exterior.
Original Look but Custom Digital Sound System including AM/FM?CD